Genes, Weight-loss & Weight-gain

Our genes shape every aspect of our physiology, including our weight. It’s estimated the heritability of weight issues are at anywhere between 40%-70%. But it’s important to remember our DNA is not our destiny. In other words, they act like the loaded gun, the trigger being our diet, lifestyle and environment.

These variations on our genes can increase the risk of childhood obesity, overeating and greater long term weight gain and specific health conditions.The most important to understand is that your diet, environment and lifestyle put things in motion.

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That’s because chronic conditions, including overweight and obesity, are multifactorial: You may be genetically predisposed to gain weight, but what you eat, how much you exercise, and how carefully you pay attention to other missing links can help mitigate your genes’ natural inclination. Another study suggested that genes can also play a role in determining which microbes colonize your gut, so it may be possible to address inherited conditions like obesity by nurturing healthier gut microbiota. It’s important not to assume your genes set your fate. Experts agree that the skyrocketing rates of obesity in the past 40 years are less about our genes, which take a long time to change, but more about our changing environment. This has been shaped by cultural, political, social, and economic factors that have led us to eat more, exercise less, and feel more isolated and anxious. Hence, genes cannot be solely responsible for the dramatic rise in obesity rates. While obesity-related gene variations are real, they’re more disposition than destiny.

How Your Genes Can Impact Your Weight-loss & Weight-gain

If you would like to find out more about Epigenetics, Gut or any other functional testing. To help you find the root causes of your health issues, then please book a free 20-minute consultation: