Healthy eating can be confusing: complex carbs, glycemic index, polyunsaturated fats – it is a minefield.

Many people know the difference between their quinoa and their buckwheat. But Nutritional Therapists bring a whole new meaning to the definition of a ‘food nerd’.

We study the body processes associated with what we eat, spend our days pouring over the latest research on how food effects our health and how to offer the best-tailored advice to clients to reach their health goals.

Nowadays, we live in a world of increasing dietary anxiety, especially with Doctor Google at our fingertips. Good foods, bad foods, the right kind of diet, the wrong sort of exercise – its information overload, and frankly, it’s just confusing. A Nutritional Therapist’s job is to eliminate the confusion, and help you make simple choices for a healthier, better you. 

It’s important to remember that the food we eat is so much more than just an energy source. Every cell in our bodies is made up of nutrients and every chemical reaction that happens in our bodies is dependent on having the right nutrients available to make the function happen correctly. When we are not taking in the right amount of the correct nutrients, we start to suffer from symptoms which are our body’s warning signal that we are inflamed or out of balance.


Digestive issues such as IBS, bloating, excessive wind and constipation.

Bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, excess wind and heartburn are all signs that your gut is out of balance.  

It’s important to remember that 80% of your immune system is in your gut which means that any imbalance in the gut can lead to recurring illnesses, frequent colds, allergies and food sensitivities., excessive

reasons you should visit a nutritional therapist


Low Energy, Anxiety and Fatigue

Often when we are ‘on the go’ and frankly life gets in the way, we don’t eat well. Do you ever suffer from a mid afternoon energy slump, wake up in the middle of the night hungry or wake up in the morning feeling tired and exhausted. These are signs that there are imbalances with our blood sugar levels which can affect our mood, our food choices and generally our sense of well being. As a Nutritional Therapist we can assess your diet and make a few simple tweaks to increase and stabilise your energy levels to make sure you feel balanced throughout the day.


Weight Management

Your goal may be to gain weight, lose weight or make changes to your body composition. The important thing to remember is no one plan fits all when it comes to weight management, we tailor our plans to meet your aims and lifestyle supporting you with meal plans, bespoke recipes and food and lifestyle coaching. This could mean tweaks to your existing diet to support blood sugar related conditions such as diabetes, hormone related conditions, and cardiovascular health or a specific meal plan and support package to help manage or improve a specific health condition or goal.


Skin complaints and allergies, such as eczema  hay-fever, dermatitis, psoriasis

Allergies and skin conditions are a sign that the immune system is not working properly and even over-reacting. As a Nutritional Therapist we will look at the causes of these symptoms .Working to improve the gut health can have some amazing results to ease symptoms.


Migraines and Headaches

Food sensitivities are often the triggers for migraines and regular headaches. Removing ‘amines’ such as chocolate, cheese, wine and citrus fruits whilst also rebalancing any gut issues can help resolve frequent migraines or headaches.

How can a Nutritional Therapist help me with the Menopause


Aches, pains and inflammation

Inflammation can be influenced by diet and lifestyle. Introducing more anti-inflammatory foods such as oily fish, eggs, vegetables and reducing pro-inflammatory foods that are high in sugar, additives and hydrogenated fats can help to reduce pain and discomfort.

A Nutritional Therapist can create a personalised plan to ensure the correct balance of nutrients are in your diet to support your body’s needs.


Poor sleep

Dietary choices have a huge impact on sleep. Many of us rely on stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks to get through the afternoon slump, and then alcohol to unwind at night. This either stops us from nodding off at night, or waking up in the middle of the night, which leads to us feeling un-refreshed when we wake. Introducing slow releasing energy foods, reducing stimulants after 4pm and introducing a healthy bedtime routine can help break this cycle.


Female Hormones

If we think about our bodies in terms of car engines, the female body is a bit like a Ferrari compared to the male body which is more like a Ford Escort.  This means for the ladies, there is a lot more to go wrong or to rebalance especially when it come to our hormones. From polycystic ovaries to PMS, fertility or to coping with the menopause to endometriosis. All these can affect our moods, coping strategies, energy levels and weight.

So if you would can relate to any of the above issues and would like to take control of your health, then book a 15 minute free chat with us.