Transformational weight loss programme - 12 weeks
You can’t just embark on a new diet plan without also taking care of your relationship with food, your environment, your stress levels, balancing your hormones, addressing any gut issues and checking in on your life balance. We are all so different and that is why it is important to understand that there is not one diet that fits all. In fact, to have a ‘healthy diet’ is a very different than ‘being on a diet’. It needs to be realistic and sustainable for you and your individual lifestyle.
This is the difference in my programme compared to other weight loss programmes such as Slimming World or Weight Watchers.
I teach you how to count nutrients, not calories. Understanding that when you give your body the fuel and nutrients it needs, based on who you are, your lifestyle, daily routine and medical history you can create a healthy, balanced and happier version of you!
Engaging – Professional – Enlightening"

How does the programme work?
There are three phrases:
Phase 1: Clean up
We’ll start with a review of any symptoms that are niggling you, set some targets and implement some simple diet and lifestyle strategies. You’ll learn how to manage cravings, increase your nutrients and the importance of energy balance. We may discuss short term specific supplement support and any optional testing you might want to do that will support you during this programme.
Phase 2: Habit stacking
Prepping, planning, and strategising. It’s not just about ‘what’ to do, it’s about the ‘how’ and the ‘why’. We’ll find easy ways for you to prep meals in advance, shop smarter, and never get caught out when feeling hungry and un-prepared. Social events? No problem! We’ll set strategies so that you can still enjoy weekend away, birthdays, family events and date nights without feeling deprived or sabotaging your goals. Need recipes and ideas? I’m here for you. Giving you personalised recipe and meal suggestions that fit around you, your family and your life and work commitments. Hate cooking? Then I will teach you simple recipes or find you alternatives to minimise the time you spend in the kitchen. Everything I teach you will be based on your individual goals and objectives.
Phase 3: Maintain
Symptom review + maintaining an 80:20 balance. This phase will set you up to move forward on your own knowing that you have all the tools in your kit to continue with achieving your goals or maintaining your current weight with no risk of ‘going back’. You’ll learn how to self-assess your wellbeing and to maintain an 80:20 balance to life. We’ll discuss movement and the role of exercise in maintaining optimal health, and will review your symptoms and goals. The aim is for you to leave phase 3 with a ‘blue-print’ of what works for you so you can use this for years to come.
In each of these three phases you will also learn to:
➤ Stabilise your blood sugars (the secret to an efficient metabolism)
➤ Address any nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that are directly causing niggling symptoms
➤ Address and learn how to change your eating habits that may be holding you back from achieving your weight loss goals
➤ Improve your energy levels allowing you to be more focused, motivated and productive
➤ Improve your digestion
➤ Support detoxification leading to less bloating and feeling ‘lighter’
➤ Balance hormones which will have you feeling happier and motivated throughout

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