Transformational weight loss package

The 12 week programme gives you the most complete and effective weight loss resources in your hands so you can take back the control and never have to embark on being ‘on’ a diet again.


The 12 week transformational weight loss programme is ideal if you are suffering from any of the following:

  • Constant cravings for sugar and carbs leading to overeating

  • Confusion about what healthy eating looks like and doesn’t knowing what to eat

  • Self soothing behaviour using food and rewarding with food daily

  • A mood that takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions

  • Confusion why you have no energy and feel sleepy in the afternoons

  • Habits of waking up feeling unrefreshed and finding it hard to get off to sleep at night

  • A dread of eating some foods because it causes wind, bloating, pain, loose bowels

  • Your weight hasn’t budged no matter what you try, you’ve lost weight and gained it all back.

What’s included in the transformational weight loss programme?

✓ A private client portal where you can access your notes, nutrition plans, and recipes

✓ An app on your phone to make logging your daily food and mood journal super easy

✓ 12 one-to-one weekly sessions with me to keep you motivated and focused

✓  An instant messenger tool so you can keep in touch with me any time of the day, any day of the week

✓  Shopping tips, recipes, and pantry hacks that keep you motivated and loving the foods that you eat

✓ Unlimited recipes and meal inspiration if you need it

✓  Strategies to navigate around social events and holidays without missing out!

✓  Recommendations for supplements if needed with access to my 10% practitioner discount

✓  Links to resources and recommendations to gently introduce movement and exercise into your plan

✓  Nutrition Education to understand which foods are causing you to feel run down, irritable, bloated and unwell.

“My motivation to work with Jane was to lose weight and keep it off – no more yoyo diets or feelings of despair.  I wanted to understand the science behind good eating habits and long term health benefits. We talked about any health issues I had and my aims and goals for our time working together and everything we did was geared around what approach would work best for me.

I have not only lost weight but I’m sleeping better with increased energy levels and zest for life. I now have (for the fist time in my life) a clear plan and understanding on how to manage my weight and health independently.  I feel a huge relief that I know what I’m doing and why and the results are fantastic, I have gained a skill for life and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

Caroline – 2022 client

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