Servings: 4 – 20 mins prep, 20 mins cooking time

As well as courgettes and spinach, the recipe uses very low fat, i.e. less then 2% fat, minced turkey breast. You can use mince turkey leg which has a slightly higher fat content, up to 7% or a mixture of the two.

Turkey is rich in B vitamins and the amino acid, tryptophan which has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels, helps calm the nervous system, and combats low moods.

Feta is a Greek, soft, salty, white cheese. It’s typically made from sheep’s or goat’s milk. Since feta is packaged in brine to preserve freshness, it can be high in sodium. So we wouldn’t add more salt to the recipe. However, Feta is typically lower in calories and fat than most other cheeses.

Although there is a big movement to be dairy free, for most of us, including some yoghurt and good quality cheese is actually healthy as they contain a form of probiotic. They are packed with microbes which feed off the lactose and produce lactic acid that keeps other potentially harmful microbes away. Cheese also contains a high concentration of high quality protein and calcium as well as other nutrients such as high amounts of vitamins A and B12, along with zinc, phosphorus, and riboflavin.


 500 g lean turkey mince (breast or leg or a mixture)
 100 g feta, crumbled
 1 large courgette, spiralized, or (grated and excess liquid removed)
 50 g fresh baby spinach
 50 g pitted olives, sliced
 ½ pack of mint, leaves picked and chopped
 ½ tsp chilli flakes
 1 tsp cumin
 zest of 1 lemon
 1 large organic egg

Put the spinach in a dry frying pan on high heat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Take off the heat as soon as the leaves start to wilt. Let the leaves cool on a kitchen towel to remove any excess liquid. When cool, pat dry, chop coarsely, and season to taste.


Mix all the ingredients for the burgers in a bowl. Season with freshly ground black pepper and just a little salt because of the feta. Shape into 8 burgers. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes


Pre-heat the grill to a high setting. Transfer the burgers onto an oven or baking tray lined with parchment paper. Brush the burgers with olive oil and grill for around 10 minutes on each side until cooked through and golden brown on both sides.

This recipe is seasonal, tasty, quick, low fat and nutritious. Enjoy it with salad leaves, lettuce, spinach and rocket, sun-blushed tomatoes, olives and some delicious homemade tzatziki topped with fresh mint. The burgers can be frozen for up to three months.

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