Servings: 4

This dairy free cheeze cake recipe has a walnut, date and coconut base. The filling is made with cashews, lemon juice, lemon zest, vanilla and coconut oil. Delicious, but you can have too much of a good thing, so we’d go easy on the portion size! This is a cheesecake bursting with a fresh lemon flavour. You will need a 10cm or 15cm springform cake tin or ring moulds and a powerful food processor or blender. If you have to use a a bigger size cake tin or ring mould, say 23cm, you will have to double make the recipe, so we’d recommend using a smaller mould if you have one. You can get creative with the decorating. You can make a fresh raspberry coulis, use lemon zest and frozen berries, or even make a lemon curd.

 125 g walnuts (or pistachio or almonds)
 4 medjool dates or similar, pitted and soaked for 30 minutes
 15 g shredded coconut or coconut flakes
Lemon and vanilla Cheeze
 250 g chopped cashews, soaked for 1-2 hours
 60 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
 60 ml light raw honey
 3 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tbsp coconut or vegan butter
 2 tsp vanilla essence / paste
 2 tsp lemon zest
 ¼ tsp tumeric
 pinch of sea salt

Process walnuts in food processor until resembling fine crumbs.


Add the Medjool dates and blend until dates are well incorporated.


Sprinkle desiccated coconut onto the bottom of a 4 inch spring form tin. Press crust firmly onto the coconut as this will prevent the crust from sticking. Make sure the crust is pressed firmly and densely.

Lemon and vanilla cheeze

In a blender, blend the cashews, lemon juice, raw honey, room temperature coconut oil, coconut butter, vanilla, lemon zest, tumeric and sea salt until smooth.


Pour the cheese mixture onto the crust. Remove air bubbles by tapping the pan on the table.


Place in the freezer until firm (about 2- 3 hours).


Remove the cheesecake from the pan while frozen and place on a serving platter and decorate.


Defrost for 30 minutes in the refrigerator before serving.

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